Lonely Cloud Photography

Capturing moments in time.

Trusted with a Memory

A few weeks ago, a sweet friend contacted me with a request from out of state. She asked if I would be willing to go to the place her husband had proposed years ago and take a picture of the park bench where they agreed to start their lives together.  I agreed, but was honestly terribly nervous about having a photograph “commissioned.” Almost every shot I take is spontaneous and bound only by my own expectations. Occasionally, I’ll take recommendations from people who have seen a landmark or vista that they think I’ll like. But this was a different request altogether.

My friend, a brilliant woman gifted with an engineering mind, sent me the most detailed, true-to-life set of directions I’ve ever had the privilege of seeing. My detail-oriented soul was immensely appreciative. Even more so when I realized that I was on a trip to find a specific park bench in a 200+ acre park!

The photography gods conspired to help me. The bench was located without a misstep. The lighting was beautiful. The shadows lent a dappled look to the scene. And with some editing acrobatics, something truly beautiful and evocative emerged. My anxiety rose again when I sent my favorites to her for her thoughts and ordering preferences. Thankfully, she saw in this image what I did and was more than happy with the results.

I doubt if I will make it a regular practice to take requests for specific locations in the future. But I’m glad that this was one risk I agreed to take.  And thank you, sweet friend, for trusting me with a memory that is so precious to you and your family.

Arlington, TX

Arlington, TX


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