Lonely Cloud Photography

Capturing moments in time.

Road Trip Resumed

Ah COVID. The interrupter of all things carefree, fun, and fulfilling.

For the last two years, I have scarcely taken a picture of anything off my own property. When we have ventured out, I’ve felt creatively stifled, to say the least. However, this year, we braved the great American road trip to visit family in Chicago. I have two little nieces and nephews I had not even met yet! For those of you who have followed me in any capacity, you know my proclivity and obsession with what I call “drive by photography” – usually consisting of me either pressed up against the car glass or hanging out the window taking rapid-fire photographs. Sometimes I take 800 pictures just to get 10 good ones. I plan to publish some of my favorites from this trip over the next few weeks. Let’s hope my creative juices start flowing again!

Expect to see: barns, sky, and windmills! (You know how much I LOVE the windmills. They look like dancers on the hilltops).

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