One of the biggest challenges I face with my photography is self-promotion. It is not a gift with which I am naturally blessed. In fact, in most situations, I shy from the spotlight and prefer to defer to others who I view as more deserving of credit. In this type of business, however, there is no room for wallflowers or reluctance. If I don’t advocate for my awesomeness, no one will. And to brag a little – I think it would be sad for the world to miss out on what I have to offer.
I’ve yet to really find my groove (or market) in getting the word out about Lonely Cloud to the subset of the population that is a) interested in and b) willing to buy my photographs. Today, as I wandered the brick-paved streets of downtown Fort Worth, Texas for the annual Arts Festival I felt inspired, intimidated, and challenged. Not all of my images are award winners. But a select few are worth noting – worth showcasing.
So I’ll be doing a little thinking. I’ll be coming up with some new strategies. I’ll be playing with the look and feel of things. And I’m going to make some real efforts engage in a little shameless self-promotion.
Take a minute. Look around. And if you decide to bring a little bit of beauty into your daily life, hit me up for a customized print order!

Fort Worth, TX